Friday, April 24, 2009

Givin' Me a Boost

Credit : Payless
At 5'5" I'm not the shortest of the crowd. But, I constantly feel envy of glamazons' mile-long legs. I have a ridiculously long torso and stumpy, short legs. So constantly I am looking for a way to make my legs a wee bit longer. But the thing is, I detest heels. I'm a comfort girl- & most heels are definately not comfy. But when wedges became back in fashion couple years ago, I was turning a bit optimistic. Wedges had the best of both worlds- they were comfy and gave me some height. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find affordable, yet not cheap looking wedges that were right for me. But voila, I found my perfect pair- these Lela Rose for Payless Caruth check wedge. With a delicious check print on the wedge, these were meant to be on my feet. Now how to order these beauties...


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