Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gimme My Muji!

Credit : Muji
I am so sorry my dears for not blogging for two days! :x My deepest apologies. I simply had no time to invest in blogging! But now all my tests and projects are all done- tomorrow's the final day of school before spring break! Yay!

Now that all the school nonsense is done with, I got to sit down and just read magazines & blogs & drink tea. Yum. That's when I stumbled upon a little tibit that made me shiver with excitement: my favorite store to visit in New York City, Muji, has finally opened an online store! I am super excited for all the awesome pens and notebooks that await me. Ta ta for now, my lovelies!

P.S. On the note of new openings, OutNet, the "outlet" version of Net-a-Porter opened today! Not as exciting as I can't afford anything, but still worth the look!


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